Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The start of hakodate

After a morning full of written exams for class placement, I just had my oral interview, still fighting the massive jetlag. In the first sentence out of my mouth, I forgot how to say America. And in case you didn't know, this, the way to say “America” in Japanese is アメリカ. In roman characters: Amerika. Seriously. Then I was asked about what books I've read recently. I remembered that I just finished this really long, really awesome book at home, but for the life of me couldn't remember anything about it, including its name. So, I ended up talking about Marley and Me which I had watched on the plane ride over. It's probably a good thing I didn't remember the actual book because I would have no way to explain the artsy broken prose and complex familial ties and journey of self-acceptance from The Shipping News by Ann Proulx. But then we got to talk about swine flu, which I was much better at and could tell my sweet story about getting quarantined in Tokyo.

I ate some things that might have been whale blubber but were probably radish, and some things that I thought were mushroom but might have been squid. Usually, the recommended procedure for consuming strange found objects is PERCEIVE – IDENTIFY- EAT. But since I've already failed that piece of sage wisdom, I'll run with PERCEIVE – EAT – MAKE VAGUE CONJECTURES AS TO THE DUBIOUS NATURE OF WHAT IS IN MY MOUTH for now.

I also found some children in our class building, who asked about the bathroom. And I gave them directions. Native speakers ask for me directions because I'm straight pimpin'. Aw yeah. I even answered their questions about proper shoe procedures for the inside. I am a sexy shoeless god of words.

And since I don't yet have good pictures of Hakodate where I am now residing, pontificate upon the viewing pleasure induced by the following public signage above a pachinko parlor. It's okay until you start to consider what those two stick figures are alternating doing to that lady stick figure.


Da Boone said...

How fantastic that the same one who can not say the name of his country of birth so quickly becomes "the sexy shoeless god of words". God is good.

Chris Brown said...


hahaha sooo true! its the best strategy I've found so far, and aside from one freaky encounter with some slimy pink stuff I had for breakfast, things are pretty おいしい。